Geared up and Ready to Inspect
Thorough Home Inspection Services
Geared up and Ready to Inspect
Thorough Home Inspection Services
Home Inspection Services
We provide the most thorough and comprehensive home inspection services in the greater Baltimore area. Whether you’re buying or selling a home, having a professional home inspection from a leading home inspection company will give you peace of mind and assist you in a fair and smooth transaction.
Almost Home Inspections, LLC is the premier home inspection company in Baltimore. We have been trusted by home buyers to help them make informed buying decisions. Our home inspections are usually 3-4 hours long depending on the size of the house. You are invited to follow along with your inspector as they perform their inspection. That way, you’ll know what the inspector looks for and feel confident that the inspector is doing a thorough job.
What is a Home Inspection?
A home inspection is a thorough visual process where all of the items typically used within a home are tested and/or operated to verify proper operation or installation. The electronic inspection report will have easy-to-read details on safety concerns, major and minor deficiencies, conditions of major components from the roof to the basement, and more.
We, as your home inspector, are available to answer questions regarding the inspection anytime before or after your on-site inspection.

What is Included?
There is a lot that is included on your home inspection. In fact, we inspect literally thousands of items in your home – both large and small. While there are more items included than we can enumerate here, below are just some of the basics of what is included in a home inspection.
- Roof
- Siding
- Walks
- Driveways
- Garages
- Decks
- Porches
- Patios
- Doors
- Windows
- Exterior electrical components
- Flashing
- And more
- Basements
- Crawlspaces
- Attics
- Foundation
- Framing
- Bearing walls
- Support posts
- Fireplaces
- All living spaces
- Modes of egress
- Walls
- Ceilings
- Floors
- Heating unit
- AC Unit
- Ductwork
- Piping
- Condensate removal
- Electric panel
- Branch wiring
- Outlets and fixtures
- Water heater
- Drain lines
- Water supply lines
- All plumbing fixtures
- Plumbing vents